New Mutants #87 - 1st Cable

New Mutants #87

New Mutants v1 #87, 1990 - With Skids and Rusty recovering from their injuries in a heavily guarded hospital, it's own a matter of time before the Mutant Liberation Front finds them. A heavily armed bionic named Cable enters the fray, intent on keeping these New Mutants from falling into their hands. The character would become integral to the series, eventually leading a new re-formed team. This Louise Simonson story was drawn by Rob Liefield. Cover by Liefield and Todd MacFarlane. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Cable
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"A Show of Power" 23 pages

New Mutants #87
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New Mutants #87 - 1st Cable New Mutants #87 - 1st Cable Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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