Love Romances #75 - Matt Baker art

Love Romances #75
Love Romances v1 #75, 1958 - A pretty waitress must choose between a dashing millionaire and her truck driver boyfriend. Matt Baker's layouts on this short story are straightforward, with little to no flourish. Still, his delicate linework and fluid brushstrokes enhance each page. Baker's sensitive renditions stand out. This golden age issue includes art by Vince Colletta, John Forte and Jay Pike. Cover by Colletta. This is 4 of 12 Love Romances issues by Baker
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"He's Rough, But I Love Him" Baker story pencils and inks 5 pages = ***

Matt Baker
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Love Romances #75 - Matt Baker art Love Romances #75 - Matt Baker art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

ten-cent media said...

Nobody drew more beautiful women than Vince Colletta.

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