All-American Comics #61 - 1st Solomon Grundy

All-American Comics #61
All-American Comics v1 #61, 1944 - Impervious to fire and bullets, a horrific creature rises from the bog and befriends a criminal gang. Shockingly, Green Lantern finds his ring powerless against this behemoth. Solomon Grundy makes his first appearance in this creepy tale was written by Alfred Bester. Both the cover and story were drawn by Paul Reinman. This golden age issue also features Doctor Mid-nite, the Atom and Hop Harrigan. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin, 1st cover Solomon Grundy  
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"Fighters Never Quit" 12 pages

1st Solomon Grundy
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All-American Comics #61 - 1st Solomon Grundy All-American Comics #61 - 1st Solomon Grundy Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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