Detective Comics #513 - Don Newton art

Detective Comics v1 #513, 1982 - Unknown to a panicked Gotham City, the Batman is imprisoned by his old foe Two-Face. Don Newton's artwork more or less meet expectations, though his layouts seem a little sloppier than usual. Same for inker Frank Chiaramonte, whose delineations could be clearer. He does gets credit for maintaining the integrity of Newton's pencils. This story was later reprinted in Tales of the Batman: Gerry Conway TPB #2. Other artists in this issue include Jose Delbo and Joe Giella. Cover art by Rich Buckler and Dick Giordano. This is 30 of 39 Detective Comics issues by Newton.
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"Half a Hero Is Better Than None" Newton story pencils (Frank Chiaramonte inks) 18 pages = ***

Don Newton
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Detective Comics #513 - Don Newton art Detective Comics #513 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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