Joe Kubert |
Our Army at War v1 #159 featuring Sgt. Rock, 1965 - Feeling guilty over a nurse who scarified her life for his, Sgt. Rock searches for her killers and gets temporarily blinded in the process. This tale of loss and obsession is beautifully drawn by
Joe Kubert. His layouts constantly change, combining open and framed panels for increased depth. His kinetic style culminates in a daring splash age, depicting an enraged Rock going on the attack. Kubert's cover, which replicates one of his inside panels, is less effective due of its larger proportions. Also included is "The Silent Piper", a Joe Kubert reprint from
Our Army at War #91. Other artists in this silver age issue include Henry Boltinoff.
This is 96 of 236
Our Army at War issues by
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = ***
"The Blind Gun" Kubert story pencils and inks 16 pages = ****
Joe Kubert |
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