World's Finest Comics #260 - Don Newton art

World's Finest Comics #260

World's Finest Comics v1 #260, 1980 - When centaurs, mermaids and other mythical creatures peacefully move into the city, the local neighborhood revolts. The pro versus anti- immigrant theme is a bit obvious, even by Shazam story standards. Regardless, Don Newton and Dave Hunt's artwork is more than adequate. This story was later reprinted in Shazam! The World's Mightiest Mortal #3. Other artists in this Other artists in this copper age comic include include Mike Nasser and Jose Ortiz. Cover by Rich Buckler and Dick Giordano. This is 7 of 28 World's Finest Comics issues by Newton.
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"There Goes the Neighborhood" Newton story pencils (Dave Hunt inks) 10 pages = ***

Don Newton
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World's Finest Comics #260 - Don Newton art World's Finest Comics #260 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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