Marvel Collectors' Item Classics #21 - non-attributed Barry Windsor Smith art, Steve Ditko reprint, Jack Kirby cover reprint & reprint

Marvel Collectors' Item Classics #21
Marvel Collectors' Item Classics v1 #21, 1969 - Primarily a reprint title, this series mostly features Fantastic Four, Iron Man and Dr. Strange stories from earlier years. In this case, Tales of Suspense #62, Strange Tales #130 (Steve Ditko art) and FF #29 (Jack Kirby art). Comic book prices guides have also overlooked a Barry Smith page inside this issue. This non-attributed work is a pin-up page of Medusa, a member of the Inhumans. While unpolished, the artwork shows a knack for composition. Smith's decorative elements only add to its raw, visceral beauty. Other artists in this silver age comic include Dick Ayers. This is 1 of 1 Marvel Collectors' Item Classics issues by Smith.
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"Medusa" Smith pin-up pencils and inks 1 page = ***

Barry Windsor Smith
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Marvel Collectors' Item Classics #21 - non-attributed Barry Windsor Smith art, Steve Ditko reprint, Jack Kirby cover reprint & reprint Marvel Collectors' Item Classics #21 - non-attributed Barry Windsor Smith art, Steve Ditko reprint, Jack Kirby cover reprint & reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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