Star Spangled War Stories #159 - Joe Kubert art, cover & reprint

Joe Kubert
Star Spangled War Stories v1 #159, 1970 - Arriving in North Africa, the Unknown Soldier joins a tank battalion that pushed to the limits by their demanding colonel.  The black and white footage photos on the opening splash aren't reproduced well enough to be appreciated, but the two-page spread that follows makes up for it. Joe Kubert's art is more loosely rendered than his cover, but his layouts on this WWII tale are engaging and purposeful. Also in this issue: an early Kubert Enemy Ace story from Showcase #58Other artists in this issue include Russ Heath and Sam Glanzman. This is 59 of 96 Star Spangled War issues by Kubert.
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = ***
"Man of War" Kubert story pencils and inks 11 pages = ***

Joe Kubert
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Star Spangled War Stories #159 - Joe Kubert art, cover & reprint Star Spangled War Stories #159 - Joe Kubert art, cover & reprint Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:30 PM Rating: 5

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