Lone Wolf and Cub #42 - Mike Ploog cover

Mike Ploog
Lone Wolf and Cub v1 #42, 1991Mike Ploog nears the end of his run on the series, depicting one of his more somber covers. Amidst a group of knife-wielding geishas, the lead character seems hesitant and unsure. The dark background makes the women looks all the more sinister. Other artists in this copper age issue include Goseki Kojim. This is 6 of 7 Lone Wolf and Cub issues by Ploog.
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Ploog cover painting = ***

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Lone Wolf and Cub #42 - Mike Ploog cover Lone Wolf and Cub #42 - Mike Ploog cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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