Thor #263 - Walt Simonson art & cover

Walt Simonson
Thor v1 #263, 1977 - With everyone else defeated, only Volstagg can stop the Odin-Force with his newfound powers. Like the previous issues, Walt Simonson's style is mostly absent. This is partially due to his lack of distinctive layouts, but mostly due to Tony Dezuniga's poorly applied inks. The character design of the antagonist (see cover above) seems like the only indication of Simonson's hand. This is 4 of 55 Thor issues by Simonson.
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Simonson cover pencils (Joe Sinnott inks) = *
"Holocaust and Homecoming" Simonson story pencils (Tony Dezuniga inks) 17 pages = *

Walt Simonson

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Thor #263 - Walt Simonson art & cover Thor #263 - Walt Simonson art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:30 AM Rating: 5

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