What If (Spider-man Joined the Fantastic Four?) #1 - 1st issue

What If #1
What If v1 #1, 1977 - Offering alternative storylines from the Marvel universe, this issue begins with a retelling of Amazing Spider-man #1. In a pivotal scene where the Fantastic Four turns down Spidey for membership, the story asks "what if" he had been accepted into the group. Subsequent issues featured different characters in different scenarios. This Roy Thomas story was drawn by  Jim Craig and Pablo Marcos. This issue also includes cover art by John Buscema, Keith Pollard and John Romita. /// key 1st issue 
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"What if Spider-man Had Joined the Fantastic Four?" 33 pages

What If #1
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What If (Spider-man Joined the Fantastic Four?) #1 - 1st issue What If (Spider-man Joined the Fantastic Four?) #1 - 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:27 AM Rating: 5

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