Lone Wolf and Cub #43 - Mike Ploog cover

Mike Ploog
Lone Wolf and Cub v1 #43, 1991 - An attacker on horseback seemingly appears from nowhere, catching our hero off guard. Mike Ploog employs a subtle Z shaped path for the reader's eye to follow. The diagonals bring added excitement to the scene. I even like how the horse is maniacally threatening. Other artists in this issue include Goseki Kojim. This is 7 of 7 Lone Wolf and Cub issues by Ploog.
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Ploog cover painting = ***

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Lone Wolf and Cub #43 - Mike Ploog cover Lone Wolf and Cub #43 - Mike Ploog cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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