Dark Knight Strikes Again #3 - Frank Miller art & cover

Dark Knight Strikes Again v1 #3, 2001 - Superman's daughter submits to Brainiac, a psycho killer captures Carrie Kelly and the world seems to be coming to an end by Lex Luthor's hand. This is, unless Batman and his allies have a final ace up their sleeve. Complex and involving far more characters than his previous Batman: The Dark Knight ReturnsFrank Miller's story ratchets up the tension and action. His artwork, with its overly distorted faces and figure drawings, unfortunately devolves int a harsh, unappealing style. The artist's only saving grace is the paint splattered cover, reminiscent of sports illustrator Leroy Neiman. This is 3 of 3 Dark Knight Strikes Again issues by Miller.
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Miller cover pencils and inks = **
Miller story pencils and inks 76 pages = **

Frank Miller
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Dark Knight Strikes Again #3 - Frank Miller art & cover Dark Knight Strikes Again #3 - Frank Miller art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:55 PM Rating: 5

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