Whiz Comics #NN - C.C. Beck cover + 1st Captain Marvel, Ibis, Spy Smasher, 1st issue

Whiz Comics (#1)
Whiz Comics v1 #NN (no number) (#1), 1940 - Beckoned by a stranger, young Billy Batson follows him into an abandoned subway station, where he is transported to a mysterious cavern. There, a three thousand year old wizard named Shazam bestows him with superhuman powers. Along with the first appearance of the golden age Captain Marvel, the issue also introduces his nemesis Sivana. Other stories mark the separate debuts of Ibis the Invincible, an Egyptian prince who awakens from a museum sarcophagus and Spy Smasher, a master detective who uses advanced gadgets and specialized vehicles. The Golden Arrow premieres in less spectacular terms. These Bill Parker stories were drawn by C.C. Beck and Pete Costanza. Confusingly, this first issue has no issue number on the cover and says #2 on the indicia. Beck's cover is deceptively simple, but the design is perfectly executed to show both power and perspective. Like Action Comics #1, the scene displays the hero's unnatural strength. Captain Marvel's origin was later reprinted in Famous First Edition #F-4 and Secret Origins of the Super DC Heroes. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover, 1st origin Billy Batson as Captain Marvel, Ibis, 1st appearances Sivana, Alan Armstrong as Spy Smasher, Golden Arrow, 1st issue / select Beck cover
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Beck cover pencils and inks
"Captain Marvel" 13 pages 
"Ibis the Invincible" 8 pages
"Spy Smasher" 8 pages
"Golden Arrow" 10 pages

1st Captain Marvel
1st Ibis
1st Spy Smasher
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Whiz Comics #NN - C.C. Beck cover + 1st Captain Marvel, Ibis, Spy Smasher, 1st issue Whiz Comics #NN - C.C. Beck cover + 1st Captain Marvel, Ibis, Spy Smasher, 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:32 AM Rating: 5

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