New York World's Fair Comics #NN - 1st Sandman, 1st issue

New York World's Fair Comics (#1)
New York World's Fair Comics v1 #NN (no number) (#1), 1939 - To commemorate this historical event, DC publishes this special issue with an array of comic book characters from the superhero, humor and adventure genres. Stories of Superman, Zatara the Magician, Slam Bradley and others share a World's Fair-related theme. Most noteworthy is the tale of Wesley Dodds, a millionaire playboy inventor whose plans for a ray gun are stolen by international spies. Donning a hat, gas mask and cape, he becomes the Sandman and subsequently foils the plot. This golden age Gardner Fox story was drawn by Bert Christman. /// key 1st appearance Wesley Dodds as Sandman, 1st issue
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"The Sandman" 10 pages

1st golden age Sandman
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New York World's Fair Comics #NN - 1st Sandman, 1st issue New York World's Fair Comics #NN - 1st Sandman, 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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