Heroic Comics #94 - Frank Frazetta art

Heroic Comics #94
Heroic Comics v1 #94, 1954 - Seeing his horse stuck in the water, a boy unhesitatingly dives in to save her. Frank Frazetta's lines are almost too fine, pushing the limits of the printing process. Regardless, plenty of details remain in a story with a phenomenal level of draftsmanship. The artist draws horses better than any of his peers, revealing a mastery of the animal's anatomy and movements. Despite the short page length, Frazetta's last story of the series is also his finest. This is 15 of 15 Heroic Comics issues by Frazetta. /// Frazetta gallery
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"Cindy is Saved" Frazetta pencils and inks 2 pages = ****

Heroic Comics #94 golden age 1950s comic book page art by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
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Heroic Comics #94 - Frank Frazetta art Heroic Comics #94 - Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted F on 9:04 AM Rating: 5

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