Lovers #65 - non-attributed Matt Baker art

Lovers #65
Lovers v1 #65, 1955 - Charlotte is cultured, educated and fearful of her attraction to working class Dane. In time, she finds they're able to share their interests. Matt Baker draws one of the shortest tales in this issue, but also the most memorable one. Starting with the superbly composed title page (see below), the artist delivers a nearly flawless work. Beautifully laid out and paced, Baker takes great care with the artwork in every panel. This issue is not attributed in many comic book guides. Other artists in this issue include Vince Colletta and Jay Scott Pike. Cover by Colletta. This is 1 of 6 Lovers issues by Baker.
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"Falling in Love" Baker story pencils and inks 5 pages = *****

Matt Baker

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Lovers #65 - non-attributed Matt Baker art Lovers #65 - non-attributed Matt Baker art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

ten-cent media said...

Incredibly well-drawn, fun cover by Vince Colletta. Excellent interior art by Matt Baker. We will never see the likes of them in the romance genre again.

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