Abadazad #3 - Mike Ploog art

Mike Ploog
Abadazad v1 #3, 2004 - In her quest to find her missing brother, Katie encounters the strange characters she recognizes from her children's book Abadazad. Mike Ploog's illustrations nicely echo that literary genre. The layouts and drawings are delightful, but not elementary. The monster on Ploog's cover is even more menacing in the story itself. A full page splash places the creature in the sewer depths, juxtaposed against the smaller, more vulnerable Katie and Master Wix. This is 3 of 3 Abadazad issues by Ploog.
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Ploog cover pencils and inks = ***
"Explosions" Ploog story pencils and inks 20 pages = ***

Mike Ploog
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Abadazad #3 - Mike Ploog art Abadazad #3 - Mike Ploog art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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