Tarzan #59 - Russ Manning art

Tarzan #59
Tarzan v1 #591954 - Crossing a vast desert and reaching the mountains, Natongo and Dan-el foil an ambush on an unsuspecting caravan. The artwork by Russ Manning is largely uninspiring. The layouts are dull and expected, with the exception of the story's climax (see interior page below). Other artists in this golden age comic include Jessie Marsh. This is 21 of 133 Tarzan issues by Manning.
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Untitled Brothers of the Spear story Manning pencils and inks 6 pages = **

Russ Manning golden age dell jungle 1950s comic book page - Tarzan #59
Russ Manning
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Tarzan #59 - Russ Manning art Tarzan #59 - Russ Manning art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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