Lone Wolf and Cub #41 - Mike Ploog cover

Lone Wolf and Cub #41 - Mike Ploog first comics 1990s comic book cover
Mike Ploog
Lone Wolf and Cub v1 #41, 1990 - On a foggy, moonlit night, the title character stands firm against any oncoming threat. Mike Ploog's layout is straightforward but has an iconic quality as well. The child's clothing uses the same color as the clouds above, pulling the foreground and background together. Other artists in this issue include Goseki Kojim. This is 5 of 7 Lone Wolf and Cub issues by Ploog.
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Ploog cover painting = ***

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Lone Wolf and Cub #41 - Mike Ploog cover Lone Wolf and Cub #41 - Mike Ploog cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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