Exotic Romances #30 - Matt Baker art

Exotic Romances #30
Exotic Romances v1 #30, 1956 - Offered an executive position at her firm, Alice must now decide to keep or rid herself of her obnoxious boyfriend. Matt Baker begins with a nicely composed full page splash. His subsequent layouts and overall drawings are more than capable. The story's inker is tight and heavy-handed, not always improving upon the pencils. Despite this, Baker's style comes through loud and clear on every page. Other artists in this issue include Sam Citron and Bill Ward. This is 2 of 3 Exotic Romances by Baker.
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"I Wanted a Second Chance" Baker story pencils 9 pages = ***

Exotic Romances #30 golden age 1950s romance page art by Matt Baker
Matt Baker
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Exotic Romances #30 - Matt Baker art Exotic Romances #30 - Matt Baker art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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