Billy the Kid v2 #13 - Al Williamson art

Billy the Kid #13 golden age 1950s western charlton comic book cover
Billy the Kid v2 #13
Billy the Kid v2 #13, 1958 - Robbed of the money he earned from driving cattle, Trip Dekker follows the thieves across the Rio Grande. Like much of Al Williamson's work for Charlton, the art is loosely but skillfully applied. Except for a few panels on page 3, Angelo Torres' inks seem more clearly defined than usual. Williamson himself may have finished off his own pencils on certain panels (see interior page below). Other artists in this golden age western comic include Rocco Mastroserio, Sal Trapani and Sid Check. This is 1 of 1 Billy the Kid v2 issues by Williamson.
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"Pecos Justice" Williamson story pencils (Angelo Torres inks) 5 pages = ***

Billy the Kid #13 golden age 1950s western charlton comic book page art by Al Williamson
Al Williamson
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Billy the Kid v2 #13 - Al Williamson art Billy the Kid v2 #13 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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