Fantastic Four #48 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st Silver Surfer

Jack Kirby
Fantastic Four v1 #48, 1966 - Warning of a planetary new threat, the Watcher tries to conceal the Earth from a space-traveling herald. Upon his arrival, he summons his all-powerful master despite heroic efforts. The Silver Surfer makes his first appearance while Galactus appears in cameo in the final panel. Jack Kirby's artwork is merely sufficient, while his cover lacks the necessary excitement. His two splash pages and handful of large panels help offset some of the repetitive layouts. It may not help that one storyline ends midway through before another begins. Sadly, the cover also lacks the two newest characters in the Marvel universe. Written by Stan Lee, this is 48 of 116 Fantastic Four issues by Kirby. Silver Surfer would later debut his own self-titled series. /// key 1st appearance Silver Surfer
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Kirby cover pencils (Joe Sinnott inks) = **
"The Coming of Galactus” Kirby story pencils (Joe Sinnott inks) 20 pages = ***
1st Silver Surfer

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Fantastic Four #48 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st Silver Surfer Fantastic Four #48 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st Silver Surfer Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:18 AM Rating: 5

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