Alpha Flight #22 - John Byrne art & cover + 1st Pink Pearl

John Byrne
Alpha Flight v1 #22, 1985 - Aurora and Northstar are reunited, subsequently coming to the aid of an old friend and circus owner. Named after the eraser brand, Pink Pearl makes her debut plotting a devastating act of terrorism. Her intimidating presence on John Byrne's cover is even more intimidating inside. She fills the entire frame of a stupendous second splash on page 10. Bob Wiacek's inking also noticeably improves. This is 22 of 28 Alpha Flight issues by Byrne. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Pink Pearl
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Byrne cover pencils and inks = ***
"Rub-Out" Byrne story pencils (Bob Wiacek inks) 22 pages = ***

John Byrne
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Alpha Flight #22 - John Byrne art & cover + 1st Pink Pearl Alpha Flight #22 - John Byrne art & cover + 1st Pink Pearl Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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