Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #196 - Carl Barks art

Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #196
Walt Disney's Comics and Stories v1 #196, 1957 - Carl Barks shows his empathic side, telling the tale of a snow sculpture contest and a poor family's attempt to win the prize money. Donald Duck and his nephews compete separately, unaware of the other side's good intentions. Like many of Barks' stories, poverty and empathy are compelling themes. His artwork shows a high degree of craftsmanship, while also giving a swipe to modern art. This story was later reprinted in Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #378. Other characters featured in this issue include Mickey Mouse and Goofy. Other artists in this golden age comic include Paul Murry. This is 154 of 278 Walt Disney's Comics and Stories issues by Barks.
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Untitled Barks story pencils and inks 10 pages = ****

Carl Barks
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Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #196 - Carl Barks art Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #196 - Carl Barks art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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