Tales of Suspense #63 - Jack Kirby art & cover

Jack Kirby
Tales of Suspense v1 #63, 1965 - Captain America's origin is retold for the first time during the silver age. Amazingly, most of the details are retained from Captain America Comics #1Jack Kirby re-draws the tale with a more contemporary style befitting the period. His cover lacks impact (due to the bisected format), but the opening splash (see interior page below) more than makes up for it. This story was later reprinted in Captain America annual #1. Other artists in this silver age comic include Don Heck. This is 61 of 92 Tales of Suspense issues by Kirby
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Kirby cover pencils (Sol Brodsky inks) = **
"The Origin of Captain America" Kirby story pencils (Frank Giacoia inks) 10 pages = ***
Jack Kirby
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Tales of Suspense #63 - Jack Kirby art & cover Tales of Suspense #63 - Jack Kirby art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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