Dark Horse Presents #59 - Frank Miller art & cover

Frank Miller
Dark Horse Presents v1 #59, 1992 - Marv and Lucille break out of an underground prison, just in time to see assassins arrive on the scene. Despite his mediocre cover, Frank Miller's longest episode to date is an ambitious effort. Even with three splash pages and numerous large panels, the story's intro is masterpiece of sequential art. No dialogue occurs on the first eight pages, building up to the story's initial setting and central characters. Miller also uses typographic sound effects throughout, including one that subtly references his earlier work on Dardevil (page 12 panel 1). This episode was later reprinted in the Sin City trade paperback. Other artists in this issue include Eric Vincent. This is 9 of 13 Dark Horse Presents issues by Miller.
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Miller cover pencils and inks = **
"Sin City episode 10" Miller story pencils and inks 21 pages (black and white) = ****

Frank Miller
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Dark Horse Presents #59 - Frank Miller art & cover Dark Horse Presents #59 - Frank Miller art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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