Brides Romances #23 - Matt Baker art & cover

Matt Baker
Brides Romances v1 #23, 1956 - A young, wealthy sophisticate arrives in town, threatening to undermine Betty's engagement to her beloved Craig. Both Matt Baker's cover and lead feature are elegantly drawn. His figure drawings and facial expressions (hallmarks of his work) are evident here. His layouts vary in proportion and placement just enough to maintain interest. Though a bit crowded, Baker's cover captures the antagonist's opulent beauty. An unknown inker deserves credit for the clean, flowing lines throughout. Other artists in this golden age comic include Sam Citron. This is 4 of 4 Brides Romances issues by Baker.
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Baker cover pencils (Donald Sultan? inks) = ***
"How Can I Compete With Her?" Baker story pencils (Donald Sultan? inks) 9 pages = ***

Matt Baker
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Brides Romances #23 - Matt Baker art & cover Brides Romances #23 - Matt Baker art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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