Creepy #122 - Alex Toth art

Creepy #122
Creepy v1 #122, 1980 - In Alex Toth's brutal Civil War tale, Union soldiers arrive at a Southern plantation house only to find a lone woman. There's a textural quality to the artwork, supported by heavy usage of black. The page layouts are splendid in their planning and execution. Toth's inks dominate Leo Duranona's pencils, but largely to their benefit. Duranona's style is not dissimilar, evidenced by "The Watcher", his solo work within the same issue. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Steve Gan, Carmine Infantino, Alfredo Alcala, Martin Salvador and Fred Carrillo. This is 12 of 15 Creepy issues by Toth.
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"The Killing" Toth story inks (Leo Duranova pencils) 12 pages (black and white) = ***

Alex Toth
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Creepy #122 - Alex Toth art Creepy #122 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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