Adventure Comics #250 - Jack Kirby art

Adventure Comics #250
Adventure Comics v1 #250, 1958 - Green Arrow hosts an unusual convention, showcasing the greatest bowmen from different countries around the worldJack Kirby begins his first of seven issues featuring back-up tales of the emerald archer. While less polished than his usual fare, his artwork is engaging and stands out from the rest of the issue. His angular style somehow seems to fit Green Arrow's target-oriented skills. Sources say Kirby himself inked his own pencils, assisted by his wife Roz. This story was later reprinted in >DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #23. Other artists in this golden age comic include include Curt Swan.
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"The Green Arrows of the World" Kirby story pencils and inks 6 pages = ***

Jack Kirby
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Adventure Comics #250 - Jack Kirby art Adventure Comics #250 - Jack Kirby art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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