Dark Horse Presents #52 - Frank Miller art

Dark Horse Presents #52
Dark Horse Presents v1 #52, 1991 - Escaping underwater, Marv manages to avoid the cops and locate his parole officer Louise. Frank Miller's third Sin City episode includes three muscular splash pages. His drawings work together to form graphically cohesive page layouts On page 5 panel 4, Miller's interplay of light and shadow results in an arresting birds-eye view of the city's architecture. This episode was later reprinted in the Sin City trade paperback. Other artists in this issue include Eddie Campbell. This is 2 of 13 Dark Horse Presents issues by Miller.
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"Sin City episode 3" Miller story pencils and inks 8 pages (black and white) = ****

Frank Miller
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Dark Horse Presents #52 - Frank Miller art Dark Horse Presents #52 - Frank Miller art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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