Marvel Two-in-One Annual #6 - Walt Simonson cover + 1st American Eagle

Walt Simonson
Marvel Two-in-One v1 Annual #6, 1981 - Wyatt Wingfoot convinces his friend the Thing to help find a pair of missing brothers from a neighboring reservation. Flying to the Savage Land, they locate one of them upon arrival, now endowed with powers and calling himself American Eagle. On the cover, a montage approach presents most of the characters involved. Walt Simonson provides the inks, opting for a more heavily outlined finish. Normally dark shadow areas are instead filled by fields of color. While effective in concept, Simonson's hand is largely absent from the end result. This Doug Moench story was drawn by Ron Wilson and Gene Day. This is 1 of 1 Marvel Two-In-One Annual issues by Simonson. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover, 1st origin Jason Strongbow as American Eagle
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Simonson cover inks (Ed Hannigan pencils) = *
"An Eagle from America" 38 pages

1st American Eagle
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Marvel Two-in-One Annual #6 - Walt Simonson cover + 1st American Eagle Marvel Two-in-One Annual #6 - Walt Simonson cover + 1st American Eagle Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:53 PM Rating: 5

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