Brave and the Bold #1 - Joe Kubert art & cover + 1st Viking Prince

Joe Kubert
Brave and the Bold v1 #1, 1955 - One of DC's long running titles, this first issue features the first appearances of the Silent Knight and the Golden GladiatorJoe Kubert introduces the Viking Prince, a man with no memory of his warrior past. Despite the relatively small panels, the artist fills the pages with swashbuckling action. Both figure drawings and backgrounds are ample in detail, especially the opening scene (page 2 panel 1). This story was later reprinted in DC Special #12 and Best of Brave and the Bold #1. Kubert's partial cover is not original, but comes from the opening splash of the interior story. This issue also includes artwork by Russ Heath and Irv Novick. This is 1 of 32 Brave and the Bold issues by Kubert. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Viking Prince, Silent Knight, Golden Gladiator, 1st issue 
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"Battle for the Dragon Ship Viking Prince story Kubert  pencils and inks 8 pages = ***
"The Thunder of the Chariots" Golden Gladiator story 8 pages
"Duel in Forest Perilous" Silent Knight story 8 pages
Joe Kubert
Silent Knight 1st appearance

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Brave and the Bold #1 - Joe Kubert art & cover + 1st Viking Prince Brave and the Bold #1 - Joe Kubert art & cover + 1st Viking Prince Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 AM Rating: 5
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