Wedding Bells #19 - Matt Baker art

Wedding Bells #19
Wedding Bells v1 #19, 1956 - When her boyfriend fails to show up for a pre-determined proposal, Myra immediately dumps him for the office Lothario. This tale of seeming betrayal is ably drawn by Matt Baker. Pacing and layouts are straightforward but adequate. Unfortunately, an unknown inker mars many of the key panels. Faces and facial features appear mis-proportioned during this stage. Some of Baker's original intent is retained, but not enough to be satisfactory. Other artists in this golden age romance comic include Sam Citron and Bill Ward. This is 3 of 3 Wedding Bells issues by Baker.
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"Why Did He Stand Me Up?" Baker story pencils 6 pages = **

Matt Baker
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Wedding Bells #19 - Matt Baker art Wedding Bells #19 - Matt Baker art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 AM Rating: 5

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