Justice League of America #200 - Joe Kubert art + Milestone issue

Justice League of America #200

Justice League of America v1 #200, 1982 - Pitting newer members against older ones, this two hundredth issue divides into multiple chapters. Each features a battle royale with a different artist or artistic team. Tasked with depicting Superman against Hawkman, Joe Kubert comes through with flying colors. Although only five pages, the veteran draws them with youthful enthusiasm. Most impressive is page 5: a splash of the two heroes colliding in full force. George Perez draws the story's framing pages and the terrific wrap-around cover. This issue also includes artwork by Pat Broderick, Terry Austin and Brett Breeding. This is 3 of 3 Justice League of America issues by Kubert. /// key Milestone issue
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"Hawkman vs. Superman" Kubert story pencils and inks 5 pages = ***

Joe Kubert
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Justice League of America #200 - Joe Kubert art + Milestone issue Justice League of America #200 - Joe Kubert art + Milestone issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:07 AM Rating: 5

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