The Unexpected #119 - Bernie Wrightson art

Unexpected #119
The Unexpected v1 #119, 1970 - A wealthy occultist's mysterious mirror captures the moment of his murder, as the perpetrator schemes to destroy it. Bernie Wrightson performs beautifully in his first story length feature for this title. His elaborate brushstrokes appear throughout, punctuating characters' expressions and the medieval-inspired architecture. His opening page is not a splash, but a three panel sequence cleverly separated by the story title. The effect brings the different scenes together in an almost seamless transition. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Sid Greene, Werner Roth, Vince Colletta, Murphy Anderson and Jerry Grandenetti. Cover by Nick Cardy. This is 2 of 4 Unexpected issues by Wrightson.
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"Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who's the Deadliest of All" Wrightson story pencils and inks 8 pages = ***

Bernie Wrightson
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The Unexpected #119 - Bernie Wrightson art The Unexpected #119 - Bernie Wrightson art Reviewed by Ted F on 5:19 PM Rating: 5

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