Creepy #138 - Bernie Wrightson art

Creepy #138
Creepy magazine v1 #138, 1982 - Bernie Wrightson's last work for the series is only one page, but finely illustrated. This eerie intro features Uncle Creepy touting the issue's stories, all the while accompanied by a gargantuan worm. As usual, Wrightson's careful lighting and brushwork sets a high standard for the rest ob the book. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Delando Nino and Fred Carrillo. This is 19 of 19 Creepy issues by Wrightson. /// Wrightson gallery
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Wrightson intro page pencils and inks (black and white) = ***

Bernie Wrightson
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Creepy #138 - Bernie Wrightson art Creepy #138 - Bernie Wrightson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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