Weird Thrillers #4 - Joe Kubert art

Weird Thrillers #4
Weird Thrillers v1 #4, 1951 - In 19th century France, a retired executioner longs to continue his work. He amasses a list of corrupt and greedy men within the province. Avoiding the gore of competing horror comics, Joe Kubert focuses instead on the suggestion of violence. The artwork as a whole suggests a sincere effort, but the pacing and layouts border on monotonous. The large first panel offers a worm's eye view of a guillotine, but does little to convey its lethal nature. This story was later reprinted in Amazing Ghost Stories #16. Other artists in this issue include Murphy Anderson and Gene Colan. This is 1 of 1 Weird Thrillers issues by Kubert.
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"The Widow's Lover" Kubert story pencils and inks 6 pages = **

Joe Kubert
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Weird Thrillers #4 - Joe Kubert art Weird Thrillers #4 - Joe Kubert art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:30 AM Rating: 5

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