Tales of the Mysterious Traveler #15 - Alex Nino cover, Steve Ditko art & reprints

Alex Nino
Tales of the Mysterious Traveler v1 #15, 1985 - Mostly reprinted material from the 1950s, this issue surprisingly contains a new Steve Ditko story. A scientist invents a machine that transforms him into a shadow, opening up opportunities for criminal gain. The abundance of panels on each page creates somewhat frenetic pacing, but Ditko's drawings remain clear and distinctive. Alex Nino's cover has little to do with the interiors, but his imagery is appropriately strange and exotic. Ditko's reprints include "The Desert" from Tales of the Mysterious Traveler #4, "Mister Evriman" from Tales of the Mysterious Traveler #6 and "The Night Was Strange" from This Magazine Is Haunted v2 #16. This is 11 of 11 Tales of the Mysterious Traveler issues by Ditko and 1 of 1 Tales of the Mysterious Traveler issues by Nino.
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NIno cover pencils and inks = ***
Deadly Shadow
" Ditko story pencils and inks 7 pages = ***

Steve Ditko
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Tales of the Mysterious Traveler #15 - Alex Nino cover, Steve Ditko art & reprints Tales of the Mysterious Traveler #15 - Alex Nino cover, Steve Ditko art & reprints Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 4:20 PM Rating: 5

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