Star Wars Annual #1 - Walt Simonson cover + 1st issue

Walt Simonson

Star Wars v1 
Annual #1, 1979 - On the cover of this king-size annual, Luke Skywalker braces against a trio of attackers. Walt Simonson's drawing looks more hurried than carefully planned. The geometric designs, a recurring motif in his work, in this case seem sterile and monotonous. In addition to this first issue, Simonson would also illustrate sixteen issues of the regular Star Wars series. Other artists in this bronze age science fiction comic include Mike Vosburg and Steve Leialoha. This is 1 of 1 Star Wars Annual issues by Simonson. /// key 1st issue
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Simonson cover pencils and inks = **

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Star Wars Annual #1 - Walt Simonson cover + 1st issue Star Wars Annual #1 - Walt Simonson cover + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:17 PM Rating: 5

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