Detective Comics #450 - Walt Simonson art

Detective Comics #450
Detective Comics v1 #450, 1975 - After the assassination of Senator Locksley,  the Batman is driven to find both the perpetrator and those who hired him. Walt Simonson emphasizes the hero's clever and sometimes brutal methods in solving a case. There is mild distortion in some of the faces and figures, but overall the artwork is gritty and visceral. His depictions of the hero are masterful, from the menacing opening splash to the violent battle toward story's end (see interior page below). Impeccably paced and laid out, Simonson's first solo Batman story is phenomenal (reprinted in The Art of Walt Simonson). Other artists in this bronze age comic include Al Milgrom and Terry Austin. Cover by Dick Giordano. This is 8 of 12 Detective Comics issues by Simonson. / original page
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"The Cape & Cowl Deathtrap" Simonson story pencils and inks 12 pages = *****

Walt Simonson
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Detective Comics #450 - Walt Simonson art Detective Comics #450 - Walt Simonson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 6:58 PM Rating: 5

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