Marvel Premiere #53 - Frank Miller cover

Marvel Premiere #53 / Black Panther 1970s bronze age marvel cover art by Frank Miller
Frank Miller
Marvel Premiere v1 #53, 1980 - In an obvious reference to the Klu Klux Klan. the thinly veiled Soul Strangler pulls a noose about the Black Panther's neck. Although Frank Miller's layout is dynamic, he exerts little effort on the background. Surrounding klansmen gather around the spectacle, depicted only in outline. Even the grass is minimal, despite adding movement and direction. Miller has done far better work during this period. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Jerry Bingham and Al Gordon. This is 2 of 3 Marvel Premiere issues by Miller
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Miller cover pencils (Bob McCleod inks) = **

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Marvel Premiere #53 - Frank Miller cover Marvel Premiere #53 - Frank Miller cover Reviewed by Ted F on 5:31 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Danman said...

The Unofficial Handbook of Marvel Creators lists Josef Rubinstein as inker, though the inks on the Panther certainly look like Klaus Janson. Compared to Miller's Dark Knight style, this cover is loaded with detail. I think this composition would have been more dynamic as a long, horizontal panel - one of Miller's specialties.

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