Amazing Spider-man #218 - Frank Miller cover

Frank Miller
Amazing Spider-man v1 #218, 1981 - Frank Miller never seems to tire from drawing block-shaped creatures, as on this eye-catching cover. The creature's rough textures nicely contrast against the more tightly rendered buildings below. The bright colors seems a tad optimistic for the scene, but it is appealing nonetheless. Other artists in this copper age comic include John Romita Jr., Al Milgrom and Jim Mooney. This is 1 of 2 Amazing Spider-Man issues by Miller
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Miller cover pencils and inks = ***

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Amazing Spider-man #218 - Frank Miller cover Amazing Spider-man #218 - Frank Miller cover Reviewed by Ted F on 1:48 PM Rating: 5


Vince M said...

You can see his Ronin style emerging in this piece. Especially in the buildings.

Ted F said...

I see what you mean. Every artist seems to have a natural progression, hopefully to something as unique as Ronin.

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