Warlock #11 - Jim Starlin art & cover + 1st In-Betweener

Warlock v1 #11 marvel 1970s bronze age comic book cover art by Jim Starlin
Jim Starlin
Warlock v1 #11, 1976 - Knowing the Magus' fate is entwined with his own, Warlock must think of a way to purge him from existence. Thanos makes his last appearance on this title, just as Jim Starlin's artistry warms up. Clever panel sequences quicken or slow the pacing as needed. Three full splash pages appear at key points, adding variety and breathing room. Starlin's pencils are further enhanced by the inks of Alan Weiss and Steve Leialoha. This story, also marking the first full appearance of the In-Betweener, was reprinted in Warlock v2 #3 and Fantasy Masterpieces v2 #14. This is 3 of 7 Warlock issues by Starlin art. /// key 1st appearance In-Betweener / Starlin gallery
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Starlin cover pencils (Al Weiss inks) = ***
"How Strange My Destiny" Starlin story pencils (Steve Leialoha inks) 18 pages = ****

1st In-Betweener
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Warlock #11 - Jim Starlin art & cover + 1st In-Betweener Warlock #11 - Jim Starlin art & cover + 1st In-Betweener Reviewed by Ted F on 3:33 PM Rating: 5

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