Warlock v2 #3 - Jim Starlin cover & reprints

Jim Starlin
Warlock v2 #3 (Special Edition), 1982 - Re-presenting Warlock #10, #11 and part of #12, this issue also sports a new wrap-around cover by Jim Starlin. The figures appear much stiffer compared to earlier works and weaker in composition. Like the previous issues in this series, the newer reproductions are brighter and more garish. This is 3 of 6 Warlock v2 issues by Starlin.
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Starlin wrap-around cover pencils and inks = **

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Warlock v2 #3 - Jim Starlin cover & reprints Warlock v2 #3 - Jim Starlin cover & reprints Reviewed by Ted F on 2:27 PM Rating: 5

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