Wallace Wood Treasury

Wally Wood
Wallace Wood Treasury book, 1980 - A modified cover illustration from Strange Worlds #5 begins this retrospective of the artist's work. Inside, interviews with Wally Wood collaborators Paul Kirchner, Ralph Reese and Dan Adkins provide additional insights. Of the many drawings and artworks, some of the most fascinating are his Avon inside front covers from the 1950s, his commercial work, and a small illustration he did with Al Williamson (page 2). A mostly accurate Wood checklist is followed by "My World", a stunning six-pager from Weird Science #22. Paperback book, full color cover and back cover, black and white interiors, 56 pages total. 

Wally Wood
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Wallace Wood Treasury Wallace Wood Treasury Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:13 AM Rating: 5

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