Doctor Strange v2 #46 - Frank Miller cover

Frank Miller
Doctor Strange v2 #46, 1981 - In many Marvel comics of the era, Frank Miller was advertised as taking over as series artist. While that failed to happen, Miller did contribute this one and only Doctor Strange cover. The composition is weak, lacking in hierarchy or central focal point. The heroes, standing back to back in nearly mirror images of each other, are oddly positioned. Miller's drawing also seems hurried and lacking in spirit. Around the same time, Marvel ran an ad announcing he would take over this series. Anyone know why that didn't happen? Other artists in this bronze age comic include Kerry Gammill and Al Milgrom. This is 1 of 1 Doctor Strange v2 issues by Miller
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Miller cover pencils (Bob McCleod inks) = **

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Doctor Strange v2 #46 - Frank Miller cover Doctor Strange v2 #46 - Frank Miller cover Reviewed by Ted F on 12:19 PM Rating: 5

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