Human Fly v2 #9 - John Byrne cover

John Byrne
Human Fly v2 #9, 1978 - This obscure John Byrne cover depicts a precarious rescue by the Human Fly. The woman's upraised arm is poorly foreshortened and disproportionate to her head. The worm's eye view seems to apply only to the foreground, resulting in a mildly distracting inconsistency. On the plus side, the background is nicely detailed and Terry Austin's inks do justice to Byrne's pencils. Curiously, of the two guest stars inside, the White Tiger appears on the cover rather than the more popular Daredevil. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Frank Robbins and Mike Esposito. This is 1 of 1 Human Fly issues by Byrne
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Byrne cover pencils (Terry Austin inks) = **

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Human Fly v2 #9 - John Byrne cover Human Fly v2 #9 - John Byrne cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 10:53 AM Rating: 5

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