The Unseen #6 - non-attributed Alex Toth art

The Unseen #6
The Unseen v1 #6, 1952 - The small opening panel makes this tale harder to distinguish from others in the same issue. Still, tasked with a single page story, Alex Toth accomplishes this handily. Using varying points of view, he adds interest to a carefully constructed layout. Curiously, Toth has not been credited for this page in some comic guides. Other artists in this golden age comic include Art Saaf, Ross Andru and Jack Katz. This is 2 of 4 Unseen issues by Toth.
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"Peg Powler" Toth story pencils (Mike Peppe inks) 1 page = ***

The Unseen v1 #6 standard 1950s golden age horror comic book page art by Alex Toth
Alex Toth
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The Unseen #6 - non-attributed Alex Toth art The Unseen #6 - non-attributed Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:43 PM Rating: 5

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