World of Krypton v2 #2 - John Byrne / Walt Simonson cover

John Byrne / Walt Simonson
World of Krypton v2 #2, 1987John Byrne and Walt Simonson continue partnering up on the covers for this limited series. Although busy, the visuals are balanced and not quite in disarray. Simonson's inks seem to dominate in this case, perhaps due to his penchant toward intricate machinery. The explosions form the middle distance areas, but the black shape on the right seems little more than a graphic device to lead the eye from the masthead toward the central figure. Other artists in this copper age comic include Mike Mignola and Rick Bryant. This is 2 of 4 World of Krypton issues by Byrne and 2 of 4 World of Krypton issues by Simonson.
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Byrne cover pencils / Simonson inks = ***

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World of Krypton v2 #2 - John Byrne / Walt Simonson cover World of Krypton v2 #2 - John Byrne / Walt Simonson cover Reviewed by Ted F on 6:46 PM Rating: 5

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